miércoles, 5 de enero de 2022


In recent decades, temperatures have been getting higher and higher. The climatic events have intensified, for example we are having more floods or more forest fires like in Australia at the beginning of last year or already the usual summer fires in California.

Because of this, to combat climate change, around 200 countries have gathered at COP26 in Glasgow, where they have agreed to reduce CO2 emissions, among other related issues, and have also talked about stopping deforestation and planting new trees, so they would absorb the CO2.

Although, this initiative has not been entirely successful because countries as China, Russia, India or Australia that have more methane emissions, which cause global warming, and stop carbon emissions, which produce CO2, have not signed.

To sum up, I think that we are still in time to save our planet, but we can't stop climate change if some countries that produce lots of emissions don't make an effort and use renewable energy.

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