lunes, 6 de enero de 2020


I'm going to talk about the differences between now and my first year at secondary school, four years ago.

Obviously, now it's harder than in my first year. I remember that in my first year. I had music and art, but I haven't these subjects. Luckily, I play no longer the flute. I only have the same teachers in English and Robotics. I used to get up at 7.20, but  I need more time. Because of that, now I get up at 7 o'clock. And, in the afternoon, I used to take a nap. This year, I don't do this. Also, I'm not the same girl. I haven't the same character as before.

Most things in my life have changed. It's normal, things changed all the time, but we decide if we accept or we refuse.

Resultado de imagen de cambio