domingo, 31 de octubre de 2021


We set our own limits every moment, we always know that we can give more of ourselves. We know our capabilities and what we are capable of doing.

Setting goals is fine, we can achieve them little by little, but we know that everything is more complicated than that. We prefer doing anything productive or being with friends and forgetting our obligations with a simple: it is too much or a similar short phrase.

Most of the time we think that there is no time to do homework or when you see that it is 11:55 and you see that the delivery time is at 12 o'clock, we understand that the problem was not time but lack of interest with which we did it and let time pass.

To sum up, we must organize time fundamentally and above all we must put more interest in the studies and the tasks we have to do and in the future we will achieve our dreams.

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