sábado, 6 de febrero de 2021


In November 2019, in the Chinese country a new strange illness was discovered, coronavirus was called due to its shape if we look through a microscope.

Starting in 2020, we didn’t expect what was going to happen. In March, the situation in Spain was uncontrollable. The Coronavirus was in all of Spain, we hadn’t the necessary resources to fight against it. The number of infected didn’t stop increasing as well as the number of deceased. Spanish government banned going out to the street, only to shop the necessary and the people who had to work. We were locked down, stay at home, they told us. Four months later we were allowed to go out, but now with new rules.

All the celebrations from this time have been very strange. Summer without festivities, Christmas without family, and January without parades. But it can change. Now, we have a vaccine or being a little more specific, vaccines. In Spain two different vaccines have been marketed by Pfizer and Moderna companies.

In my opinion, vaccination can be a good option, but always having in mind that it has dangers. 

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