jueves, 27 de diciembre de 2018


Dumbphones & plastic

Today, with a smartphone, you can do everything, from buying food to sending text messages. They distrate us from what we are doing and make us look at them constantly. But, with a Dumbphone, this changes. With Dumbphones you can only make calls and send ordinary text messages. These phones haven't got wifi or any other phone. This helps us to concentrate better and help us with the problems that generate the smatphones like addictions. A Dumbphone is a very simple phone, especially good for old people.

Resultado de imagen de dumbphones

And now, I'm going to talk about  plastic. Plastic is the usual material for production. This causes pollution, in the water, in the floor, in the soil, everywhere. Eventually it can end up in our food provoking health problems. In the latest years scientists are trying to make it disappear faster. This would be fantastic for the environment. 

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